london cycle route 4Trying to follow a route on the London Cycle Network(LCN) or National Cycle Network(NCN) you have to put on your thinking hat. Because you have to be a bit creative with your cycling. Signs pointing the wrong way, signs not there at all and routes that just ends somewhere where you really have to think twice to be able to get back on track.

And some of them even send you down routes where you really don’t want to cycle. I wonder if there is a place to “complain” too so that you can tell them where there is missing signs our they send you astray.

The reason why I’m saying this is because the other day I was trying to use the NCN 4 as it goes right past where I live. And a few times I really had to guess where next as the signs just stopped. And then you come to a junction like this one, Putney Bridge Road and Fawe Park Road. Which doesn’t make sense, if you are following the route Fawe Park Road and is heading out onto Putney Bridge road. Why not just do a normal right turn instead of getting up on the pavement, which have a nasty kerb right there, where you would turn onto the cycle lane. And then over at pedestrian crossing and then to be passed out onto the the road again.putney bridge road cycle route

I wonder if there is a place to “complain”, not the right word here, but somewhere where you can tell he people who are creating these cycling route if you think that they are any good.

London Cyclist have made a great list of websites that can help you along find your way around London on our bicycle.

Oh and yes do remember to add your suggestion here, google cycling routes, this can only be a good thing 🙂

So do get yourself a map, AtoZ will do, plan a route on one of the above websites and go out there and have some fun, because London is a great city to cycle in.