where an English Dane rambles

Month March 2017

AARRGGHHticle 50

Well then, it happened, walking into unknown. Still no clue with regards to us EU citizen have the right to stay. Do we need to prove that we suited for the UK or do we all just get along like… Continue Reading →

March for Europe

Brilliant day, the early start was worth it. Joined the march which the police now have confirmed to be over 100.000 people. Now we just hope that the powers that be heard us.

Stop Brexit

Dreaming scarfs

Well this morning one was rather good, very vivid and full of details. Peli and me, was on an over night bus* tour. With random people we knew and some unknowns. The middle of the night – in the middle… Continue Reading →

Lords voted on 9a

Peers have voted by 358 votes to 256, a majority of 102, to guarantee the rights of EU nationals living in the UK after Brexit. Good news, as long as Mayhem plays ball next week. The question still stands how… Continue Reading →

Happy Hangover

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