where an English Dane rambles

Month February 2009


RLJ (Red Light Jumpers) please can you stop what you are doing and obey the highway code. What you are doing is making my job harder along with breaking the law and putting your life and others in danger. When… Continue Reading →


When teaching kids the dangers of the road, I tend to use words such as “crash” or “accident” to describe what could happen if they do not do their safety checks and pay attention to where they are going. But… Continue Reading →

Cold Weather

We had quite a few weeks of cold weather lately, for the first time since I’ve lived here I can really say that it was winter in the UK. We are normally ready in 10 – 15min to take the… Continue Reading →


I have been at both end of the stick when it comes to bullying when I was growing up. I’m not proud if it as I know how nasty (a very simple word for it) it is. I was out… Continue Reading →

A proper winter …

I have pretty much lived over here for around 15 years now. This “winter” is the first winter that I could a winter. It all started back in November, we actually had a nice cold spell and some snow. Yes… Continue Reading →

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