Well this morning one was rather good, very vivid and full of details.

Peli and me, was on an over night bus* tour. With random people we knew and some unknowns. The middle of the night – in the middle of nowhere – stop for grub was at a pub, come road side dinner, where they spoke Dutch**. The place was on an island like the ones in Croatia, but I’m not sure where we were.

Funny side note, even though it was in the middle of the night, it was a done in daylight.

We walked down some concert steps, thru a wire gate from the parking into the building. You saw the menu at one point***, ordered elsewhere and had to pickup the food from a hole in the wall across a table where people was sat and eating.

I picked up my burger but from some reason it were stacked with a tissue within. Which caused me only to pickup a third, spill a third on the people at the table – which they were ok with – and forgot the plate with the last third. The people then gave me the spilled bits and plate, well man came walking after me with it. I only just found out something was wrong as I was picking tissue out of my mouth****.

I lost Peli at this point, so was faffing with my phone which only wanted to boot into the terminal*****. While I was working with that, SAS, an old cycling friend, turned up for a chat. In the background there was a telly going which the host was nattering about a new worrying thing, one should report to the police and stay away from. What ever it was, scarfs was one of the warning signs.

I then noticed that the place was getting pretty empty, so I put my trousers back on, eh? And SAS and me, made our way back towards the bus, in a slight hurry. Going up the concrete steps****** all the fellow passengers, from other busses too, were coming down in a meandering chatty stroll. SAS got a few steps ahead of me, when I stopped to chat with Peli and her sister.

I then noticed that they were very keen on talking about and stroking the scarf on them. Then it clicked about the TV show I wasn’t paying attention to.

I shouted to SAS to get off the steps and on to the grass verge. We then legged up the steps as that was now the route back to the eatery, which we just came up from. We used a padlock to lock the wire fence and gate and ran towards the main doors.

Then Peli woke me up …

* This might be from my latest journey to London, though it was on a train.
** Went to the My Old Dutch restaurant, even though the staff didn’t speak Dutch.
*** Went to Subway and that is the silly thing you do to get your order, 2-3 staff to do your sarnie and you have to explain to each of them what you are having.
**** Every time I get a Subway I end up with wrapping in my mouth.
***** That is probably a mix from getting a new computer and setting it up in the terminal along with new update of the OS on my phone I got yesterday,
****** I think that is the left over from taking the tube in London.