why richard branson “So, Richard, just to follow up on our talk yesterday I’ve got a few questions for you about the GPS unit you where using. Oh, and a little gentle reminder… :)”

Last night I was dreaming that I was at a travel seminar mainly for cycle tourers. In one of the break I was wandering around in the park that was inside the building/hotel we were at. I spotted Richard sitting in on a bench playing around with a GPS unit, trying to figure out what kind of memory card it takes. And we had a nice little talk over a pint, my shout, about the ins and outs of various GPS units.

Both of us agreed it was hard to pick, since there was so little difference between the units and it all depended on what you where
planning to use it for. The problem that Richard was having was that he had plenty of random memory cards laying around and didn’t like to buy a new one so he wanted to find out which his GPS unit was taking. Though for the life of him he could not find where the memory card was in the unit he had.

I’m sorry Richard if you don’t swear in real life, but in my dream you did. When you gave up, you said “F#beeb#k it, I’m calling for help.” And then you went to the phone box to call most the techie person you knew at your company, I seem to remember he worked in IT at your HQ.

Then I got woken up by our Abel and Cole delivery, so I never learned if you got your answer or if I got another pint, it was your round after all, nudge nudge, wink wink 🙂

Why I was dreaming about GPS is very simple to explain: over the last week or so I have spend a lot of time trying to get my head around them, to figure out if we need them, what kind of map details they take and what unit to get.

But why was I having this chat with Richard Branson ?