pedal power v3 charge your phone while cyclingI have been looking around for something that could charge my mobile phone and mp3 player while riding. I got a SON Dyno hub and wondered if there was anything that would collect the power I’m generating while cycling in the day time when I didn’t need the lights on.

I found this one Pedal Power + which looks promising. There is 3 models atm, two of them have the added bonus that they also have solar panels in them so when you are having a rest in the sun they will still charge.

PedalPower+ is an innovation that allows bike riders to recharge their mobile phones, GPS and other small devices in a safe and regulated process from a bicycle hub or bottle dynamo.

In the ‘old’ days, a bicycle dynamo was only used for one thing, bicycle lighting, which was the only electronic application that a rider needed. If you needed a telephone, you found a public phone box, if you needed to find your way you looked at a map

While the application for lighting still exists today, far more is needed, modern riders use mobile phones, GPS and need to have easy electronic answers to recharging, small devices that require 5v up to 600mA, DC input to recharge them. Appliances like GPS, mobile phones, AA and AAA batteries, digital cameras, MP3, iPod and iPhone, to name a few.

At PedalPower+ we provide the solution. Our range of products gives you a complete system by generating energy while on your bike, using that energy to recharge your device while riding, collecting and storing all or part of the energy and using the collected energy to charge devices while not riding. How easy.

They are also making the world first DC power Dyno Hub, which make it easier to charge your small electronic hungry gadgets.

And best of all you can get an adapter which can charge your AAA batteries too, so this little thing is quite handy. They say on their website that they are looking into getting dealers in Europe and the US.