Last night I saw RED, just pure rage.

For nearly 935 days the, with Mayhem and her loons, have ignored and not agreed to speak to the wonderful people that is #InLimbo ( and #the3million ( and others about the future rights of the EU citizens in the UK and UK citizen on the mainland.

Instead she has been busy calling us “queue jumpers” and “bargain chips”. And wouldn’t guarantee our rights. Shouting gleefully that we are ending the Freedom of Movement, totally ignoring or forgetting that, that this also means that the UK citizen in the EU will lose that right.

Then last night when Mayhem lost the meaningful vote, 424 vs 202. Thanks Gina Miller for pushing that though. The biggest loss to a sitting government since way back when.

Mayhem said in her speech after the result – People particular the EU citizen who have made their home here and UK citizen living in the EU deserve clarity on these questions as soon as possible.