Who would have thought that when I decided to update from Iphone 2 to a Google Android G1, and then stick to Android since then, that this would help to settle my future in the UK.

A mobile phone app for EU nationals seeking to stay in the UK after Brexit – claimed to be as user-friendly as “an online account at LK Bennett” – will not work on iPhones, Home Office officials have admitted.


I haven’t posted much about the who/what/when/when/youwhatnow BREXIT, gov.uk and Mayhem malarkey. Mostly because I can’t keep up with the dumb-shit that is coming out of No 10 and that I’m utterly lost for words regarding the dumb-shit.

Now over the last week the Windrush generation has been in the news and I’ve gone numb, lost hope, feel gutted and just can’t …