Yesterday we celebrated seven years together, while watching Tour de France in Skipton, nice little follow up because seven years ago we also watched Tour de France in London. What a buzz, great weekend, sun, friends, cake, cyclist, big screen, Cav crash, happy people. Now where shall we celebrate 14 years ago, I think somewhere along the tour route for sure 🙂

Today I managed 13 miles for the first time since last summer, I just had to since the Tour was only 6-7 miles away today. My hands and arms are going to pay me back big time tomorrow. But I don’t care it was Le Tour De Yorkshire!

Surprised that I had so much in my legs, though have forgotten how to pace myself. I do need to get a new chain and cassette as the gears jumped all over the shop, it is not something that is high on the list when you haven’t been on a bike in anger since Dec 2012.

With a 75 metre head start I just managed to stay ahead, all the way to the top, of a dad on a full suspension MTB, with a tag along AND a trailer.

Boy is it great to cycle with Peli, something that I have missed big time.

Just a little side note that I found on the Independent website – “Combined the Olympic and the Paralympics had 800.000 spectators”. Compare that to the Tour de Yorkshire which they are saying had about 2.5 million spectators. And that show in London you had to pay for…