tesco ice creamOver the last few months I have tried to get “frozen” ice cream from the three nearest stores to me.

I have either found them to be defrosted and then frozen again, which you can clearly taste and feel when you eat the ice cream. Or they have been that warm that they nearly had to put shorts and sun cream on in the freezer, go figure.

So I put my fingers to the keyboard and wrote them a email and got this reply the very next day :

Thank you for your email and please accept my apologies for the delay in my reply.

I’m very sorry and concerned to learn that ice cream that you have purchased from three of our stores recently have not been as frozen as you would like. I understand how disappointed you must be about this.

Please let me assure you that we try very hard to ensure that all of of our freezers are set to the correct temperature to ensure that frozen products stay frozen and so I’m really concerned to learn of your experiences on several occasions. I’d like to assure you that this really is below our expectations and I’m sorry that we’ve let you down like this.

Can I ask which ice cream it is that you’ve purchased on these occasions so that I can get this further investigated? I’d like to ensure that a situation like this doesn’t happen again with all 3 stores and so I can confirm where the problem is, the type of ice cream would be really helpful.

In addition to this, can I ask whether you’ve received a refund for these ice creams that you’ve purchased in the past? If you’re ever unhappy with the quality of our products, then please return it with the receipt to the store, who will be happy to investigate this, and will usually offer a refund or a replacement.

Thank you for taking the time and toruble to contact me about this and I look forward to hearing from you.

A few more emails to and fro and there should now be a £10.00 Tesco Moneycard as a gesture of goodwill coming my way, which is nice.

Thanks for that Tesco’s and I will be using this gesture on more ice cream for sure, that is if your freezers are working again.