where an English Dane rambles

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Who to blame

After yet another tragic death in London, where my thoughts are with the family, it made me think, so sorry for my ramblings below. I do not know the precise details of how this latest incident happened, but it was… Continue Reading →

Cycling in London is safe and I got proof

H&F love the Olympics

We just had “Your South Fulham” update drop through our letter box today. With a massive front page article which leads into two more pages inside. “Cycle race will test Fulham residents ahead of Olympics” is the headline, which goes… Continue Reading →

Segregated cycle lanes

Having just spend 11 days cycling around in Denmark, where there are plenty of cycle lanes. I have been thinking about if it really works to split cyclist and other road users from each others. Yes, cycles lanes are brilliant,… Continue Reading →

SillyDriver V + VI, why the need?

Why do you have the need, urge, craving, rush, desire to absolutely be ahead of a cyclist? We (cyclists) see it every day where a SillyDriver, I have talked about it here too before, just has to be in front… Continue Reading →

Use your gears: SillyCyclist XIV + VX

Cycling is so much easier if you use your gears. Much better on your legs, knees and you will also be faster. Also it will be safer for you, as you will see SillyCyclist XIV demonstrate below. I often cycle… Continue Reading →

Helmet laws

I will fight for the right for you to have the choice to wear a helmet or not. I do think that what have happened in Australia and New Zealand clearly proves that a compulsory helmet laws is not the… Continue Reading →

In defence of cycle couriers

I once heard someone on TV say that her greatest fear was “being hit by a cycle courier”. I wish I could have told her that a cycle courier’s greatest fear is actually pretty similar. We all dread that moment… Continue Reading →

Cycle infrastructure

I just read two rather good blogs about the failure that is cycle lanes/cycle infrastructure here in the UK. I’m sure that I have ranted about this before*, as I’m very sure that it could easy be much better here… Continue Reading →

Bike Week 2011

I have found the dates for this years Bike Week. Britain Bike Week 2011 will take place 18th – 26th June nationwide. The website is still a bit out of date, but you can send an email to hq@bikeweek.org.uk and… Continue Reading →

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