where an English Dane rambles

Month November 2009

Goldfish effect

I hope that you do as I do and others do “ride wide”, Charlotte puts it better than I so I hope that she don’t mind that I quote her, in her post I ride wide. Apparently, the consensus of… Continue Reading →

.citycycling – issue53

.citycycling issue 53 is out now, get it while it is still hot of the press. In this month issue we got … .shoes, chefs and cycling, cath, the other cycling wiggins .sociological deconstruction, … or a cycling travelogue .a… Continue Reading →

Self-Powered Laser For Safer Night Cycling

This is a self powered laser light, the battery that is recharged via a dynamo and this is what it does … The laser draws an ellipse of light that is sensitive to anything crossing the perimeter. If a car… Continue Reading →

Stay young

Please never grow old it is boring. Here are five things to do to help you stay young, since it is fall I’ll start there. Fall : seen all the fallen leaves? Give them a good kicking, it’s great fun… Continue Reading →

Recycle your bicycle

Today when I went out with our recycle box to our recycle bin, I found a bicycle inside. Well it was a classic BSO and in bad nick. Unfortunately, your LBS will not take this bicycle in and give it… Continue Reading →

How we as cyclist are seen

The fella on ibikelondon has a valid point in his article, Public face of cycling. We now have an image of cyclist which either scared others off the idea of riding a bicycle. Trying to get new people to start… Continue Reading →

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