where an English Dane rambles

Tag traffic

Even cyclists need a refresher

The other day I was a passenger in a car, not something that often happens as I tend to cycle everywhere. What got me to put ‘pen to paper’ was the way the driver overtook a cyclist and the driver’s… Continue Reading →

My reply to the age old debate on a car forum

For the record, I’m a regular cyclist, I cycle most days in and around London doing journeys between 2 and 30 miles. Some days I will go out for rides upto 150 miles. I do stop at reds, I use… Continue Reading →

SillyDriver IV

We were on our last leg of our great trip up north. Cycling back from the station and had just endured the H##L that is SW6 when the football is on. Why the heck the council let people park on… Continue Reading →

SillyPedestrian I

You need a bell ! Was what the SillyPedestrian shouted at me today. I have mulled over the idea of starting the title SillyPedestrian for a while now. But have always put it off because we all know that many… Continue Reading →

City and urban planner, meet the bicycle

We have just got home from two months in Australia and New Zealand where we cycled a great deal. It made it clear to me that you (city or urban planner) have never meet the bicycle, so let me introduce… Continue Reading →

School pupils given free bikes to ride to classes

Now this is a splendid idea and a very good move by the headteacher Mark Ranford at Berry Hill High School, I tip my hat. Almost 60 new pupils at a secondary school have been given free bikes so they… Continue Reading →

The highway code

The highway code does also apply to you as a cyclist, after all your are a road user on a vehicle. So do spend some time and have a good old read of the highway code. It will open your… Continue Reading →

A good idea, there Bryony.

I’m not going to gloat but I did think about this a few years back, but Bryony was first to put it on paper so to speak. Make full Bikeability cycle training compulsory before anyone can pass their driving test…. Continue Reading →

Velo-City and Streetfilms

I totally forgot and missed out on something great. As you can see on this StreetFilms film from Velo-City 2010 in Copenhagen, see below. This film is Copenhagen seen through North American eyes, as they say it took a long… Continue Reading →

Sleeping police men

Is it just me that is annoyed by the the so called sleeping police men, that are scattered all around our fine city to calm down the traffic. 1/ They do invite you as a cyclist to move into the… Continue Reading →

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