where an English Dane rambles

Tag The EU referendum

Living the European dream

I’m living the European dream. I’ve been in the UK for nearly 20+ years, with three years in France and I’m now married to a wonderful Brit with a rescue dog from Ireland. The question is now, for how much… Continue Reading →

Vote on the 4th of May

I’m registered to vote are you? This is the best way to show Mrs Mayhem that she is on the wrong donkey.

AARRGGHHticle 50

Well then, it happened, walking into unknown. Still no clue with regards to us EU citizen have the right to stay. Do we need to prove that we suited for the UK or do we all just get along like… Continue Reading →

Visiting family who voted

Someone wrote on farcebook how their in laws had voted for Brexit and clearly did the “we just wanted the foreigners and Muslims out, we didn’t mean you” bit. They talked about how hard it was for them to be… Continue Reading →

Mountain to climb

Yup the free and cool country I grew up in – ain’t. The things I read and hear are shocking. Over the twenty+ years I have been outside DK. I have mainly been in the UK with three years in… Continue Reading →

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