where an English Dane rambles

Tag The 3 million

Hope in round 5?

News from https://www.the3million.org.uk Dear fellow EU citizen, For once, I am writing to you on a Saturday. Not to ruin your weekend (hopefully) but only because this week has flown by. I arrived in Manchester on Sunday for the Conservative… Continue Reading →

Living the European dream

I’m living the European dream. I’ve been in the UK for nearly 20+ years, with three years in France and I’m now married to a wonderful Brit with a rescue dog from Ireland. The question is now, for how much… Continue Reading →

Vote on the 4th of May

I’m registered to vote are you? This is the best way to show Mrs Mayhem that she is on the wrong donkey.

March for Europe

Brilliant day, the early start was worth it. Joined the march which the police now have confirmed to be over 100.000 people. Now we just hope that the powers that be heard us.

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