where an English Dane rambles

Tag SillyCyclist

Who to blame

After yet another tragic death in London, where my thoughts are with the family, it made me think, so sorry for my ramblings below. I do not know the precise details of how this latest incident happened, but it was… Continue Reading →

The mystery of the abandoned bike locks

What’s happened to the bikes? What kind of person would take the bikes and leave the locks? Do people really leave their bike locks on racks, street signs and lamp posts and forget about them? If that is the case,… Continue Reading →

Well, you have gone and done it!

Thanks SillyCyclist. Remember the post that woollypigs wrote about the Thames Path near Hammersmith. Where he said that it is possible to cycle on most of it and recommend that you should cycle with care and give way to pedestrians…. Continue Reading →

Use your gears: SillyCyclist XIV + VX

Cycling is so much easier if you use your gears. Much better on your legs, knees and you will also be faster. Also it will be safer for you, as you will see SillyCyclist XIV demonstrate below. I often cycle… Continue Reading →

The most hated road user !

I don’t like the word hate that much, but I had to use it to get your attention. Over the last few years the cyclist has become the most talked about road user in London and pretty much elsewhere too…. Continue Reading →


Today I learned that a great London blogger have honoured me with using the same(‘ish) title as me for some of my posts. croydoncyclist.wordpress.com aka cyclegaz on Twitter have some great videos on youtube about SillyCyclists. It is great to… Continue Reading →

Use Your Head – Stop at Red

Now this is something good. I hope that you’ll sign this, if you haven’t already. We (cyclists) are only hurting ourselves if we keep red light jumping (RLJ) and breaking the Highway Code in other ways. The more cyclists who… Continue Reading →

SillyCyclist XIII

Hooooly sssshhhittt …. Click here to see this little clip http://www.youtube.com/ – CyclingMikey’s Channel Sorry for the strong words here, but how the f@&k can you be this stupid. Nearly hurt herself and another fellow cyclist and just jumped off… Continue Reading →

Just an observation

This is by all means not a scientific study but just an observation by me. Over the last few weeks a I have been counting while cycling around town. 16 cyclist with bicycle helmet have jumped red light, totally blind… Continue Reading →

SillyCyclist XI + XII

Went out on a pootle today with my partner, while we were stopped at a red light we met SillyCyclist number XI. Just as we were setting off from the light she came up on my inside. There were not… Continue Reading →

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