where an English Dane rambles

Tag Short ramblings


I feel for the world that we have come to this, about what have happened in Paris. Last night I spent hammering F5 on a few news sites, Facebook and twitter. Trying to find out what is going on, where,… Continue Reading →

Size matters

When you are a tourist in the UK you will end up hearing – it’s the size of <insert random number> double decker buses or this is <insert random number> higher than the Nelson Column. Even if you have lived… Continue Reading →

Eavesdroping #1

I was raised by a pack of dogs, yet only had cats. Said a woman to me when she saw me walking my dog.

Den vita stenen

First Crush: Who was your first childhood crush? What would you say to that person if you saw him/her again? Well I can’t do this, since I ever meet her in real life. She is the main character in a… Continue Reading →

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