where an English Dane rambles


What are the odds ?

Humans really baffle me. If I were an betting man I wouldn’t put money on us lot passing our 30th year. And yet we quite often pass the average age of 70-odd years. The amount of stupid things I see… Continue Reading →


Looking at this video below, which reminds me of cycling in Denmark in the snow. If you can’t see the embedded movie click here to see it I have cycled in weather like this or worse. Sometimes I could not… Continue Reading →

Fill that hole update

11 days ago I filled in a request to fill a hole on Hortensia Road, SW10. Today I cycled up the road and lo and behold the hole had been filled. Though it does look like, “pad some tarmac” onto… Continue Reading →

Start riding now

Today I read this article over on the Telegraph, Copenhagen climate conference Danes launch campaign to get the world cycling. And it got me wondering why the UK has such a hard time in get on their bikes. The first… Continue Reading →

La Linea

La Linea is one of my favourite cartoons. Danish television use to show this quite often when I was a kid, kinda as a pause, break thing between programs. I just fell over this one today and it made me… Continue Reading →

Fill that hole

I have heard about this program that CTC is running called Fill That Hole. I haven’t tried it out before or heard any success stories. But there is a few holes about on my commute that is really annoying me…. Continue Reading →

Old boy racers get on their bikes

So what is stopping you ? “Every week on the roads around Glasgow a group of men aged between 65 and 89 take to the saddle, armed with a makeshift kettle and a lust for life.” If these you lads… Continue Reading →

Abandoned, to a better home

There is a thread over on yacf about “Abandonment”, simply put bicycles that have been left by their owners. Though, I do think that most of the “left” bicycles are the last stop in the chain in a stolen story…. Continue Reading →

Lock your bike right

I can’t remember the numbers, but stolen bicycles are on the rise, I think one every minute or was it more ? just one bicycle stolen is bad news. But there is hope you can help, with some simple tricks…. Continue Reading →

SillyDriver I

Well since I have the SillyCyclist and SillyCyclelLanes going I thought that it would be a good idea to also have a SillyDriver section. And I will start this section off with a small pop quiz. Q: Picture this, you… Continue Reading →

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