where an English Dane rambles

Tag Copenhagen

37% of People Commute by Bike.

In Copenhagen there is 37% of all people commuting to and from school, work and universities. But when you add the journeys to and from the shops and cinema e.g. all trips it is 55% by bicycle !! Mikeal from… Continue Reading →

Start riding now

Today I read this article over on the Telegraph, Copenhagen climate conference Danes launch campaign to get the world cycling. And it got me wondering why the UK has such a hard time in get on their bikes. The first… Continue Reading →


Well it looks like I will be in CPH next year for this. Do you think that we can get London to join in and go over there and learn something ? Copenhagen, June 22-25, 2010 The European Cyclists’ Federation,… Continue Reading →

London’s summer of cycling

As part of London’s summer of cycling, an exhibition has been unveiled at City Hall exploring contemporary urban cycling culture in London and Copenhagen. The exhibition Dreams on Wheels is organised by the GLA and the Embassy of Denmark, London,… Continue Reading →

Cycling in DK vs UK Part IV

Other road users When I learned to drive in Denmark, was told to pull right next to the kerb to block cyclist coming up on your inside into your blind spot. Even on roundabouts the other road users gave way… Continue Reading →

Cycling in DK vs UK Part III

Road positioning When cycling on road where there is no cycle lane, the Danes are right in the gutter, even on outside of the road markings. Not giving yourself much space if the road is at a bad state, though… Continue Reading →

Cycling in DK vs UK Part II

The 3 C’s To see and To be seen and Communicate is probably the most important thing I can teach people who are learning to cycle. While cycling around in Denmark, I did not see much looking back checking what… Continue Reading →

Cycling in DK vs UK Part I

In Denmark the wind is our mountains. Because it is so flat but the wind makes up for the hilly bits. While cycling around in Denmark I noticed that most of the bikes people are commuting on are the “sit… Continue Reading →

In Copenhagen Bicycles Overtake Cars

“As a result of half a century of planning, Copenhagen has achieved a fabulous cycling goal – during the morning rush hour more bikes and mopeds pound the inner city streets than personal cars and buses” Now we just need… Continue Reading →

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