Road positioning When cycling on road where there is no cycle lane, the Danes are right in the gutter, even on outside of the road markings. Not giving yourself much space if the road is at a bad state, though… Continue Reading →
The 3 C’s To see and To be seen and Communicate is probably the most important thing I can teach people who are learning to cycle. While cycling around in Denmark, I did not see much looking back checking what… Continue Reading →
In Denmark the wind is our mountains. Because it is so flat but the wind makes up for the hilly bits. While cycling around in Denmark I noticed that most of the bikes people are commuting on are the “sit… Continue Reading →
… causes chaos to London commuters. Yeah it was a pain for me to ride to work today. I really do hope that this is the last ever tube strike, because I can’t handle this. I’m mean it took me… Continue Reading →
Yesterday we lost two fellow cyclist in London. And both lost their lives because of left turning lorries. I do not know the facts, so I’m just saying this from what I have heard and seen before. Please please never… Continue Reading →
RLJ (Red Light Jumpers) please can you stop what you are doing and obey the highway code. What you are doing is making my job harder along with breaking the law and putting your life and others in danger. When… Continue Reading →
CTC’s annual women’s rides 7th-8th June 2008. This summer’s Five miles to Fabulous bike rides are an easy first step towards getting healthy, having fun and meeting new friends. oh and you can even win a brand new bike too,… Continue Reading →
The third Prince’s Trust – Palace to Palace bike ride is taking place on 7th September 2008. The 45 mile bike route takes you past some stunning sights as you pass through Surrey and Berkshire. From the start, along The… Continue Reading →
Buffalo wrote this article in the Guardian today, and he is spot on. Splitting up the road users into groups so that cyclist, cars, buses have their own bit of road is just wrong. You need to teach and train… Continue Reading →
Well this made me laugh out loud 🙂
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