Call 116 123 for free (UK)

Yesterday I called the Samaritans, not to get help* but to thank them for their great work, I could throw £££ at them but it will mean nothing to me, but I will throw £££ at them time to time.

But *I* needed to thank someone.

The lady on the phone was very thankful for my call. She asked if she could write a note on the wall about the call. I said ” Just put that woolly from Denmark is pissed off with Brexit (this she laughed at in a knowingly way) and I thank you for the great work you are doing.” As she hung up I heard her saying “aaaawwww” (in that thank you kinda way).

This did me a world of fecking good. I’m a bit surprised how much this helped me.

Click here and throw some coins at them, which I just did, just a few clicks.

*I don’t need the help as I got my wonderful wife and her family who are very supportive.