where an English Dane rambles

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Take the 2 mile bicycle challenge

I fell over this article on Planet Green the other day, Take the 2 Mile Bicycle Challenge. Which states that 40 percent of everyday travel in the U.S. are trips of 2 miles or fewer, which got me thinking what… Continue Reading →

LEGO history

I don’t read the Daily Wail, well only there is something about cycling or LEGO. Their article, “When Lego lost its head – and how this toy story got its’ happy ending” is pretty good and tell us how LEGO… Continue Reading →

LEGO winter

Since London, well south of England and other bit of this country is do for a bit of show over the next few days. I post these amazing LEGO Star Wars photo taken by a Finish photographer called Avanaut. The… Continue Reading →

Fill that hole update

11 days ago I filled in a request to fill a hole on Hortensia Road, SW10. Today I cycled up the road and lo and behold the hole had been filled. Though it does look like, “pad some tarmac” onto… Continue Reading →

Copenhagen COP15, a rant

It is simple, why can’t we get on with it and do it ? 1/ If the global warming, running out of oil etc is wrong and we do have plenty and there is nothing worry about. 2/ It is… Continue Reading →

Things that just blow your mind

Today on my daily crawl on the ‘tinternet I fell over two things that just made me go wow. First one was a picture from the Hubble telescope, a Ultra Deep Field Image, showing the oldest galaxies ever seen, 600… Continue Reading →

La Linea

La Linea is one of my favourite cartoons. Danish television use to show this quite often when I was a kid, kinda as a pause, break thing between programs. I just fell over this one today and it made me… Continue Reading →

Fill that hole

I have heard about this program that CTC is running called Fill That Hole. I haven’t tried it out before or heard any success stories. But there is a few holes about on my commute that is really annoying me…. Continue Reading →

Dream job.

Who as a kid wanted to become a fire fighter ? I did and that dream is back, if I only could drive around in this thing everyday fighting fires, I would be a happy boy. LINK : Gizmodo :… Continue Reading →

The O2 Arena London

Last night we went to the O2 Arena in London out on the Greenwich peninsula. It was the first time out there so arriving on bicycle was a bit of a test. No clear signs for a cyclist from Greenwich… Continue Reading →

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