The third Prince’s Trust – Palace to Palace bike ride is taking place on 7th September 2008. The 45 mile bike route takes you past some stunning sights as you pass through Surrey and Berkshire. From the start, along The… Continue Reading →
Buffalo wrote this article in the Guardian today, and he is spot on. Splitting up the road users into groups so that cyclist, cars, buses have their own bit of road is just wrong. You need to teach and train… Continue Reading →
I’m still shocked that by changing my diet (a little) and picking up my bicycle again, I have managed to shed 5 stones+ (30Kg +) over the last 2 years. But this man have me beat ‘Large Fella on a… Continue Reading →
Well this made me laugh out loud 🙂
Now how good deal is that ? “For each week or five-day period that an employee rides a bike – or walks – to and from the office” I could live with that, and I’m sure if every company gave… Continue Reading →
“Beatrix is a bicycle sound system. She was designed from the ground up to provide maximum dispersion of high quality audio for rides and music video productions as well as provide a visual impact to her presence.” I have seen… Continue Reading →
I have just move house, 6 miles due south in central’ish London. And what is the best way do so, by bike of course. We got some funny looks 🙂 But we managed to move every thing in 2 runs…. Continue Reading →
I have just move house, 6 miles due south in central’ish London. And what is the best way do so, by bike of course. We got some funny looks 🙂 But we managed to move every thing in 2 runs…. Continue Reading →
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