where an English Dane rambles



Gyrowheel Gyroscopic Bicycle Wheel

So this a new take on the dear old training wheels, which are a pain to work with *), this is called Gyrowheel Gyroscopic Bicycle Wheel. I will let the video below explain how it work as it would be… Continue Reading →

Pedal Power +

I have been looking around for something that could charge my mobile phone and mp3 player while riding. I got a SON Dyno hub and wondered if there was anything that would collect the power I’m generating while cycling in… Continue Reading →

Keeping your bicycle safe.

Simple fact: if a thief wants it, they will get it, so all you can do is deter the ones who don’t want it that badly. The same goes for your house, car and phone. So is recommended that you… Continue Reading →

BSOs please don’t.

Yes I know it is a bit old news but I just have to say it again. Please don’t go to a shop that “sells bicycles” but go to a “bicycle shop”, see the different ? A shop that sells… Continue Reading →

Go faster clips

“The next time you strap on that goofy helmet and head out on your bike to work, consider adding a pair of these Windrider Bicycle Clips to your ensemble” well I think that they are well cool, think how much… Continue Reading →

The X Bike Concept

just one look at the size of these wheels I know I will not get onto this bike in London, any pothole will eat them up in no time. Good idea for a folder though. Link : http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/11/marking_the_spo.php -extra

The Zigo Leader

“The Zigo Leader also does a city bike (eight speed hub), three wheel carrier bike and a stroller, but ups the ante with the jogger option as well.” Looks like a great idea, though I think there is too many… Continue Reading →

Bike Powered Notebook Computer

“As the bike’s instructions note, if you have trouble “squeezing in that daily exercise,” you can now “multitask with no problem–[you can] bike while you work!” ” Not the cycling I like but it is a good way to keep… Continue Reading →

New green folders

“Folding bikes allow their owners to fit them into buses, trains, yachts and even cars” New models are out, here is a few of them. Link : http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/11/buygreen-small-wheel-folding-bikes.php -extra

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