where an English Dane rambles



The mystery of the abandoned bike locks

What’s happened to the bikes? What kind of person would take the bikes and leave the locks? Do people really leave their bike locks on racks, street signs and lamp posts and forget about them? If that is the case,… Continue Reading →

A stolen bicycle

The second worst thing that can happen to a cyclist is a stolen bike. The “tender” steps to where you have parked your bicycle out of sight, can be hard, your heart beating faster and faster as you get closer…. Continue Reading →


Now this is a funky little idea. Great for horsing (sorry) around town. Now we just need to make it light up at night. And what about unicorn or a racing raging bull or even a pack of dogs pulling… Continue Reading →


I just fell over this the other day. It is not really a bicycle as cycle in the good old pedalling style, though it got two wheels. I really do like the look and design of this, thinking outside the… Continue Reading →

The Bicycle USB Charger

Just found this one, nice little simple thing and by the looks of it will do the job. If you just need to charge something via USB this is the one. Most mobile phones and mp3 players let you do… Continue Reading →

Bike Doctor App

Just as I stopped using my iPhone look at the new application that came out, Bike Doctor App. I wonder if they are going to make an app for the phone I’m using now. Never again get caught out whilst… Continue Reading →

Bicycle lawn mower

I can remember years ago where I was cutting grass for my folks, neighbours etc to get some pocket money. I enjoyed doing it at my grandparents since granddad always kept the lawn mower sharp and well oiled and my… Continue Reading →

Have Bike

The other day I met a fella working for www.havebike.co.uk. We ride to work and we love it. We reckon the best way to help people get the same joy from riding to work is by supporting the companies they… Continue Reading →

How to protect your bike against thieves

LCC and Southwark Cyclist have made this little video about how to lock your bicycle. Yes make it harder for the thief to nick your bicycle. So two locks, through the frame and back wheel at least and something locking… Continue Reading →

Plea to parent part II

Today a trainee at one of the schools I’m working at at the moment came up and said that she’d got a new bicycle over the weekend. Lucky girl, I said. Let’s go down and check it out before we… Continue Reading →

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