Hurrah ! Happy anniversary folks. We are all in it together in this strong and stable UK. What a jolly gift Mayhem gave us yesterday, it fills you with warmth and joy doesn’t it. I so happy to learn today… Continue Reading → A year ago my adopted home country decided to leave the European Union. I woke up in the morning and saw my world turned upside down in a way only the fall of the Berlin Wall had done previously…. Continue Reading →
So Mayhem came out with a fair and serious idea on solving the EU citizens … Here is some good reads … London School of Economics – First bargaining chips, now stocktaking: the plan to register EU citizens EU citizens… Continue Reading →
Well that cheered me up … NOT Iain Duncan Smith tells BBC Newsnight a work permit system would allow Britain to bring in high-value people from the EU and fewer “low-value, low-skilled people”. Dick he is, but it… Continue Reading →
This is life! I, a Dane, just back from a ride, on a American and Czech bike*, with my beautiful British wife, waves at Vicky Greaves – helloooooo. Sitting in the sun, yes the sun does shine in Yorkshire, with… Continue Reading →
So Mrs Mayhem is appalled as a Vicar’s daughter, that the word Easter is left out of an​ add campaign. Yet, she pop off to Saudi Arabia and sends her Trade Minister to the Philippines, both countries with VERY questionable… Continue Reading →
I’m registered to vote are you? This is the best way to show Mrs Mayhem that she is on the wrong donkey.
There is something with how the Brits see world/Europe. I would say nearly all the Europeans that is not from these isles I have met. Have always said Europe to mean from the west of Ireland to the Ural Mountains… Continue Reading →
Well then, it happened, walking into unknown. Still no clue with regards to us EU citizen have the right to stay. Do we need to prove that we suited for the UK or do we all just get along like… Continue Reading →
Brilliant day, the early start was worth it. Joined the march which the police now have confirmed to be over 100.000 people. Now we just hope that the powers that be heard us.
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