where an English Dane rambles

Author random

LEGO soul

What ever you say Lego does have a soul. The more you play with Lego the more alive it becomes. So when ever you build a house, car or a walking space shuttle with rolling feet’s that you use to… Continue Reading →

Ubuntu Network Share

I do love using Ubuntu and have done so since 6.04. It has clearly become better and easier to set up and play with over the years. Though the only thing I still fight with is the Nvidia graphic card… Continue Reading →

Well it is Friday the 13th

Our combi boiler have a ghost in it, two to three times a day it goes starts off on its own, around 10am, 4pm and 3am, every day. Click, click, stop, start, burn, click, click, start, stop and then more… Continue Reading →

Stay young

Please never grow old it is boring. Here are five things to do to help you stay young, since it is fall I’ll start there. Fall : seen all the fallen leaves? Give them a good kicking, it’s great fun… Continue Reading →

Luxo Jr. from Pixar

Was at the moving pictures yesterday and saw the latest collaboration between PIXAR and Disney called UP. Simply loved it really it lived up to the reputation of these companies. It was good to see 3D really working. Though it… Continue Reading →


I have just signed up with 10:10, Cutting 10% of emissions in 2010. We need to start to do something now, even if it is just a small step at the time.

LEGO pop-up house

This is simply engineering in the highest degree, how can you just not love this. Taken from http://www.brothers-brick.com/. And as the poster over there says it takes your breath away. The builder notes in the video that he used 4,500… Continue Reading →

Say no to phonebooks

The other day I was just thinking what a waste of paper the old phone book is, when I saw the new yellow pages droped outside our front door. Since pretty much everyone have a mobile phone and quite a… Continue Reading →

LEGO style earphones

I should have started this months ago well honestly years ago. Just so that I have an easy place to find all these cool links, so here goes. I know it is not really much to do with cycling but… Continue Reading →

Ubuntu 9.10

It is getting closer. And I couldn’t wait so a couple weeks back I updated my other PC and it all fell over, yes yes I know don’t touch an Alpha if you don’t know what you are doing. But… Continue Reading →

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