where an English Dane rambles

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Helmet laws

I will fight for the right for you to have the choice to wear a helmet or not. I do think that what have happened in Australia and New Zealand clearly proves that a compulsory helmet laws is not the… Continue Reading →

A stolen bicycle

The second worst thing that can happen to a cyclist is a stolen bike. The “tender” steps to where you have parked your bicycle out of sight, can be hard, your heart beating faster and faster as you get closer…. Continue Reading →

Cycle infrastructure

I just read two rather good blogs about the failure that is cycle lanes/cycle infrastructure here in the UK. I’m sure that I have ranted about this before*, as I’m very sure that it could easy be much better here… Continue Reading →

Bike Week 2011

I have found the dates for this years Bike Week. Britain Bike Week 2011 will take place 18th – 26th June nationwide. The website is still a bit out of date, but you can send an email to hq@bikeweek.org.uk and… Continue Reading →

Even cyclists need a refresher

The other day I was a passenger in a car, not something that often happens as I tend to cycle everywhere. What got me to put ‘pen to paper’ was the way the driver overtook a cyclist and the driver’s… Continue Reading →

SillyDriver IV

We were on our last leg of our great trip up north. Cycling back from the station and had just endured the H##L that is SW6 when the football is on. Why the heck the council let people park on… Continue Reading →

The Big Life Ride

The Big Life Ride will take part on Monday 15 August, 2011. The venue will be Mallory Park, Leics. If you can be there this sound like a good weekend out. Camping and riding and for charity can’t get any… Continue Reading →

The most hated road user !

I don’t like the word hate that much, but I had to use it to get your attention. Over the last few years the cyclist has become the most talked about road user in London and pretty much elsewhere too…. Continue Reading →

London Cycling Bookclub

I just read about this over on London Cyclist, top idea. The format is largely undecided and the first meeting will be a chance to have a say as to how the London Cycling book club could be run. Set… Continue Reading →

SillyPedestrian I

You need a bell ! Was what the SillyPedestrian shouted at me today. I have mulled over the idea of starting the title SillyPedestrian for a while now. But have always put it off because we all know that many… Continue Reading →

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