Now how good deal is that ? “For each week or five-day period that an employee rides a bike – or walks – to and from the office” I could live with that, and I’m sure if every company gave… Continue Reading →
“Beatrix is a bicycle sound system. She was designed from the ground up to provide maximum dispersion of high quality audio for rides and music video productions as well as provide a visual impact to her presence.” I have seen… Continue Reading →
I have just move house, 6 miles due south in central’ish London. And what is the best way do so, by bike of course. We got some funny looks 🙂 But we managed to move every thing in 2 runs…. Continue Reading →
“The LCN+ is a planned 900km network of radial and orbital routes for cyclists covering the whole of London, which will be completed in 2009/2010.” That sound like a great plan and with all the other money that is coming… Continue Reading →
“The next time you strap on that goofy helmet and head out on your bike to work, consider adding a pair of these Windrider Bicycle Clips to your ensemble” well I think that they are well cool, think how much… Continue Reading →
“Being able to travel by bicycle somehow makes a giant metro area seem more friendly and relaxed. And, I agree could be a factor in attracting and retaining talented people” Now here is a few good links that is a… Continue Reading →
just one look at the size of these wheels I know I will not get onto this bike in London, any pothole will eat them up in no time. Good idea for a folder though. Link : -extra
“We think walking in and around town can be a smart choice. No timetables to keep to, no journey delays, no overcrowding, healthy, green, free, direct, access to services (and sunlight!) en route.” I know I know it is about… Continue Reading →
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