where an English Dane rambles

Month April 2017


This is life! I, a Dane, just back from a ride, on a American and Czech bike*, with my beautiful British wife, waves at Vicky Greaves – helloooooo. Sitting in the sun, yes the sun does shine in Yorkshire, with… Continue Reading →

Human Rights?

So Mrs Mayhem is appalled as a Vicar’s daughter, that the word Easter is left out of an​ add campaign. Yet, she pop off to Saudi Arabia and sends her Trade Minister to the Philippines, both countries with VERY questionable… Continue Reading →

Vote on the 4th of May

I’m registered to vote are you? This is the best way to show Mrs Mayhem that she is on the wrong donkey.

UK vs EU

There is something with how the Brits see world/Europe. I would say nearly all the Europeans that is not from these isles I have met. Have always said Europe to mean from the west of Ireland to the Ural Mountains… Continue Reading →

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