So what is stopping you ? “Every week on the roads around Glasgow a group of men aged between 65 and 89 take to the saddle, armed with a makeshift kettle and a lust for life.” If these you lads… Continue Reading →
Sorry this is showing my age. I’m from the old school of LEGO, back when the most fancy piece we had was a roof tile. The joy of play with LEGO is to search for that bit you just saw… Continue Reading →
There is a thread over on yacf about “Abandonment”, simply put bicycles that have been left by their owners. Though, I do think that most of the “left” bicycles are the last stop in the chain in a stolen story…. Continue Reading →
I’m sure that you will come across this road sign on your daily commute. And I ask you, SillyCyclist, do you really know what it means? What it does mean … “Shared pedal cycle and pedestrian route. Cyclists give way… Continue Reading →
It have now been ten years since the Matrix was made. Here is a amazing little LEGO’mation of one of the famous scene. It took 440 hours of work and it was made just in time for the 10th anniversary… Continue Reading →
What ever you say Lego does have a soul. The more you play with Lego the more alive it becomes. So when ever you build a house, car or a walking space shuttle with rolling feet’s that you use to… Continue Reading →
I do love using Ubuntu and have done so since 6.04. It has clearly become better and easier to set up and play with over the years. Though the only thing I still fight with is the Nvidia graphic card… Continue Reading →
Our combi boiler have a ghost in it, two to three times a day it goes starts off on its own, around 10am, 4pm and 3am, every day. Click, click, stop, start, burn, click, click, start, stop and then more… Continue Reading →
I can’t remember the numbers, but stolen bicycles are on the rise, I think one every minute or was it more ? just one bicycle stolen is bad news. But there is hope you can help, with some simple tricks…. Continue Reading →
Well since I have the SillyCyclist and SillyCyclelLanes going I thought that it would be a good idea to also have a SillyDriver section. And I will start this section off with a small pop quiz. Q: Picture this, you… Continue Reading →
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